Summer 2014 to Spring 2015
Ph.D. Dissertation
EVT Thesis: Master/Ed Specialist
Spring 2013 to Spring 2014
Submit as qualifying exam. Plans are to publish thesis titled:
"Technology Literacy Skills Needed in Further Education and/orWork: A Delphi Study of High School Graduates' Perspectives"
Fall 2013
TECH/507 Technology Integration for Educators
Spring 2012/Summer 2012
ECT 7910 Directed Research: Vocational Education
Qualifying Exam
Fall 2011
EDF 7410 Design of Systematic studies in Education
EME 6936Interactive Media
Spring 2010
EDF 7408 Statistical analysis in education II
EDF6432.791S11: Foundations Of Measurement
Fall 2010
EDF 6407 Statistical analysis in education I
EME 7938 Computer-Augmented Instructional Paradigns in Education
Digital Portfolios Presentation
Spring 2010
EVT 6656 Equity and access in the new economy
EVT 7267 Vocational and Adult Ed Program Plan and Implementation
Summer 2010
EDG 7931 Comparative study of CWE systems
Studied abroad in Germany for two weeks.
Comparison Study-Second Chance Programs
Germany's CWE systems PowerPoint
Visited Germany's Immigration Center and Indra, where the Beatles first played
Toured Beck's Beer, Airabus, Bremen's Chamber of Commerce
EDF 6606 Socioeconomic Foundations of American Education
Fall 2009
Summer 2009
Spring 2009
Fall 2008
EVT 7066 -Dr. Bill Blank
Foundations of Career and Workforce Education
Economy & Labor Market -Student Collaborative Project
EME 6425-Dr. Susan Zucker
Digital Portfolio Collaborative Group Project
Capstone Project-Best Buy Grant
Summer 2007
ADM/504 Public School Law